Book Archimake 25.08.2021 TERM OFFER! OFFERS END 10th September 'EXPLORE' or 'BRONZE For children aged 7-11Â & 11-16 IN PERSON Workshops & Course Sundays 10.45-12.15 Kings Cross, London, UK 1 TERM 3 TERMS 3 TERMS & ASSESSMENT & FREE BONUS MATERIAL 'EXPLORE' LIVE ONLINE WORKSHOPSnfor UNDER 11'sn 1 TERM 3 TERMS 3 TERMS & ASSESSMENT + BONUS MATERIAL 'BRONZE' EARLY BIRD OFFERSnFor children aged 11-16nIN PERSON Workshops & CoursenSundays 10.45-12.15 Kings Cross, London, UKn 1 TERM 3 TERMS 3 TERMS & ASSESSMENT & FREE BONUS MATERIAL 'BRONZE' Live Online Workshops EARLY BIRD OFFERSnfor 11-16'sn 1 TERM 3 TERMS 4 TERMS & ASSESSMENT + BONUS MATERIAL VIEW ALL WORKSHOPS & COURSES AVAILABLEn To register for a FREE trial workshop please complete the form below; * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Child Age School Comments Course Im interested in; Explore (under 11's) Bronze (Over 11's) In Person Online 1 FREE Trial Workshop of above ticked course