Rock, (Yr 3)
What do you like about Archimake workshops, what did you find challenging and what would you suggest to other children who like making things?
"Because I like drawing and have a vivid imagination. I was inspired by building works and all the fantastic shapes of the London buildings. So I wanted to design some things myself and I am now!
I know lots of things I liked in Archimake, but if I had to choose I would say making the park. I liked making it because I got to stick my old pieces of work (eg. bench) on it and imagine a real park with my work. Also I like merging my artwork.
I think the biggest challenge was making a model only out of marshmallows and toothpicks because it was hard making it stable. It kept falling and it taught me about suitable materials for making buildings.
I would tell them that you can "use your imagination and make what you desire and also one big important thing to remember is "practice makes perfect". When you end the term you will discover your fantastic powers of designing. There is one thing I can promise to you: this power is vital to you and higher years."
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