‘Violet Caterpillar’ by Violet, age 5
‘Structures Workshop’
In our first Autumn workshop, we learnt about different structural shapes. ArchiMates were challenged to build a structure that incorporated triangular forms. These are commonly found within bridges, towers and shelters.
Our ArchiMate first followed instructions to create a model using toothpicks and marshmallows. She then drew a picture of her structure from a front view. expressing her observation of the structure using a blue and violet crayon. Her structure “Violet caterpillar” had bracing on most of the toothpicks, improving the structural strength of her model. She named it after herself and how it reminded her of a caterpillar.
Being aged 5 and understanding the use of structures and following tasks given, she has shown us an impressive decision- making mindset. This ArchiMember had remarkable drawing style that displayed good analytical skills. She used light and dark colours to display depth and describe what she was focusing on.
Workshop Author & Editor: Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)