Plan Drawing

Leonardo 03 10 2017 Copy
Leonardo 03 10 2017 Copy
sumaya 03 10 2017

Plan Drawing Workshop


Archimake workshop introducing plan drawing representation.
In our autumn workshop ArchiMakers learnt about architectural plan drawing.

The group was challenged to draw and plan of a building and uses different drawing techniques to represent a story line.

ArchiMakers where challenged to use only line drawing to create their unique plan drawing.
Through this task the ArchiMakers developed high level of creativity and added different elements to their drawing to communicate a narrative.One of the student combined plan drawing and section together.

Curriculum subjects included Art, Design Technology and Science & Maths

Workshop Co-Leaders; Abhiroop Battacharya (BArch) & Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)
Workshop Author; Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)

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