Diagram Workshop
Archimake workshop introducing Plan drawing and diagramming.
In our autumn workshop ArchiMakers learnt about drawing representation.
The group was challenged to create architectural diagarm drawing represent a story line.
ArchiMakers where introduced to diagramming skills.
Through this task the ArchiMakers developed high level critical thinking and creative abilities to communicate a narrative. The outcome of the workshop was amazing as the kids were actively engaged with vibrant pieces of work as their end product. They could also understand language of different diagramming techniques.
Curriculum subjects included Art, Design Technology
Workshop Co-Leaders; Abhiroop Bhattacharya (BArch) ,Ossama Aboallaban(BArch) & Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)
Workshop Author; Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)