3D design by Filippo age 6.
In our Autumn workshop one of our KCA ArchiMaker had the opportunity to uses their design skills which enhances the empty gas holders.
His drawing was called "Gas Octoopoos".
He used an existing primary structure of a gasholder to design his own adventure playground.Through this task Filippo developed high level of creative abilities. The outcome of the workshop was amazing as he was actively engaged with the task and developed very interesting ideas which is reflected in his drawing details. He got inspired by sea creatures which is incredible for a young designer. This task also gives an insight into the kids playful mind as their drawings shows off storytelling skills and innovative ideas.
Curriculum subjects included Art, Design, Technology, 3D Spatial awareness & perspective
Workshop Co-Leaders; Abhiroop Bhattacharya (BArch) & Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)
Workshop Author; Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves (RIBA FHEA)